Rules For Students
The School aims at behavioral elegance and the inculcation of subjective discipline, individually and in groups, while in school buses or on organized trips..
Irregular attendance, neglect of homework, disobedience or disrespect towards staff or bad moral influence, will lead to serious disciplinary action..
any damage to school property or to the school buses will be rectified by the offending students. It will also entail disciplinary action..
Students are strictly forbidden from leaving the school premises or playgrounds during school hours. Permission.
to do so will be granted only by the Principal. Parents are advised to refrain from requesting for permission to send children late or to be taken early..
Most aspects of discipline involve parents monitoring and co-operation for maintaining a high standard of discipline in the school..
Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offenses..
All students must be present in school 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Those students who arrive late without justified reasons will be sent back home.